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General knowledge about Pakistan

General knowledgeabout Pakistan Index => General knowledgeabout Pakistan Quiz Show all questions <=   => Who designed pakistan's national flag? ?   Sir syed ahmed khan ?   Ameer-ud-din khidwai ?   Ameer-ud-din khidwani ?   Hafeez jalandri Which is national animal of pakistan? ?   Markhor ?   Deer ?   Loin ?   Bull Which is national bird of pakistan? ?   Chakor ?   Parrot ?   Peacock ?   Sparrow Which is capital city of pakistan? ?   Islamabad ?   Karachi ?   Lahore ?   Rawalpindi What is area of Pakistan? ?   796079 sq km ?   799079 sq km ?   798079 sq km ?   896079 sq km Name the highest peak of Pakistan? ?   K-2 mountain ?   Nagaparbat ?   Rakaposhi ?   Broad peak Name the Lowest Place of Pakistan? ?   Quetta ?   Lahore ?   Mardan ?   Karachi Who used the name Pakistan and when? Chaudhry Rahamat Ali 1933 Chaudhry Ahamad Ali 1933 Sir syed Ahemed Ali Khan 1903 Muhhamad Ali